13.56Mhz RFID-RC522 module

SKU: FA4048-0-0
Part Number:



2000 in stock



RC522 is a 13.56MHz RFID module that is based on the MFRC522 controller from NXP semiconductors. The module can support I2C, SPI and UART and normally is shipped with a RFID card and key fob. It is commonly used in attendance systems and other person/object identification applications


Features : RFID RC522 Reader Writer 

    1. Integrated MF RC522
    2. 13.56MHz contactless communication card chip.
    3. The low-voltage, low-cost, small size of the non-contact card chip to read and write.
    4. Suitable for Smart meters and portable handheld devices.
    5. Advanced modulation and demodulation concept completely integrated into all types of 13.56MHz passive contactless communication methods and protocols.
    6. 14443A compatible transponder signals.
    7. ISO14443A frames and error detection.
    8. Supports rapid CRYPTO1 encryption algorithm, terminology validation MIFARE products.
    9. MFRC522 support MIFARE series of high-speed non-contact communication, two-way data transmission rate up to 424kbit/s.
    10. Low cost, and ideal for user equipment development.
    11. The reader and RF card terminal design meet advanced applications development and production needs.
    12. Can be directly loaded into the various reader molds, very convenient.


  • Pin Function:
Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 VCC Used to Power the module, typically 3.3V is used
2 RST Reset pin – used to reset or power down the module
3 Ground Connected to Ground of system
4 IRQ Interrupt pin – used to wake up the module when a device comes into range
5 MISO/SCL/Tx MISO pin when used for SPI communication, acts as SCL for I2c and Tx for UART.
6 MOSI Master out slave in pin for SPI communication
7 SCK Serial Clock pin – used to provide clock source
8 MOSI Acts as Serial input (SS) for SPI communication, SDA for IIC and Rx during UART

Additional information

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 6 × 4 cm
Operating voltage

2.5V to 3.3V


SPI, I2C protocol, UART

Maximum Data Rate


Read Range


Current Consumption


Power down mode consumption

10uA (min)


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